Date: July 15, 2012
Title: The Counsel of God, Pt 1
Speaker: Bob Corbin

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There have been numerous surveys performed in the United States to gauge the Biblical literacy of those who claim to be Christians. Sadly, the majority of American Christians do not know basics Bible teaching. The majority of those surveyed either believe that Christ sinned or they were not sure! Paul, in his final address to the elders of Ephesus, proclaimed that he had not shunned to declare to them the whole counsel of God. He then commended them to God and the Word of His grace. For, he stated, after he departed false teachers would arise seeking to draw disciples after themselves. To the Corinthians, he stated that these false teachers would present another Jesus, another spirit, or another gospel. Hence, it behooves those who are disciples of Christ to know His Word and His teaching. Indeed, the Bible is the very inspired, God breathed, Word of God. The Bible contains absolute truth. How well do we know our manual?

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